
The Government of Ontario supports the full inclusion of persons with disabilities as set out in the Ontario Human Rights Code (the “Code”), and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (the “AODA”). It is the goal of the Ontario government to make Ontario accessible by 2025.

Accessibility Policy Statement

Shipway Stairs Ltd. will endeavor to provide our goods and services in a way that respects the independence and dignity of all persons and encourages integration and quality of opportunity.

Shipway Stairs Ltd. is committed to preventing, identifying and removing barriers that impede the ability of persons with disabilities to access our goods and services. This includes customers, suppliers, and employees and is very much a part of our commitment to a diverse and inclusive workplace.


Feedback about the delivery of services to persons with disabilities is welcomed, as it may identify areas that require change and assist in continuous service improvement. Such feedback may be offered by telephone, in writing or by email.

Where possible, feedback will be addressed immediately. Some feedback may, however, require more effort to address and may need to be reviewed before an action is taken. Shipway will respond within 21 business days.

Feedback may be provided to the Human Resources Department:

Shipway Stairs Ltd.
1820 Ironstone Drive
Burlington, Ontario, Canada L7L 5V3

Phone: (905) 336-1296 ext. 240

Availability and Format of Documents (Alternative Formats)

When possible, Shipway Stairs Ltd. will accommodate requests for documents in alternative formats such as large print and transcription. To request documents in alternative formats, please contact Human Resources at the contact information above.

o Shipway Stairs Ltd. – Multi-Year Accessibility Plan

o Shipway Stairs Ltd. – Customer Service Policy Statement

o Shipway Stairs Ltd. – Accessible Feedback Policy